[SciPy-dev] numpy/scipy some remarks

Andrew Jaffe a.h.jaffe at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 08:09:59 EST 2006

I have some related numpy/scipy questions:

  - I recently upgraded to the most recent SVN of numpy, without doing
likewise for scipy. I found that the numpy.test() calls failed in a
couple of places -- because *scipy* hadn't been updated with the latest
dtype updates! (I can't reproduce the errors since I've since updated
scipy.) I thought the whole point of the numpy/scipy split was to avoid
'implicit' calls of scipy from numpy, wasn't it?

  - I echo the question about the 'cblas'/'fblas' messages. On OSX
should the altivec framework be able to deal with all of this?

But as usual progress is fantastic. Thanks to Travis and everyone else.



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