[SciPy-dev] Fancy indexing curiosity

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Mon Jan 9 06:34:25 EST 2006

On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Arnd Baecker wrote:

> In [7]: import numpy
> In [8]: a1=numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.complex128)
> In [9]: a2=numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.complex128)
> In [10]: numpy.dot(a1,a2)
> Out[10]: (2.6815615888703731e+154+2.6815615859888243e+154j)

I have commited a patch to numpy svn so that

   numpy.core.multiarray.dot([],[]) -> 0

Note that currently

    numpy.core.multiarray.dot([],2) -> []

for instance. Is this desired behaviour?


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