[SciPy-dev] NumPy import problem.

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Fri Jan 6 17:22:40 EST 2006

Fernando Perez wrote:

>Robert Kern wrote:
>>Charles R Harris wrote:
>>>On 1/6/06, *Robert Kern* <robert.kern at gmail.com
>>><mailto:robert.kern at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>   Charles R Harris wrote:
>>>   > If I try to import numpy from python in my home directory I get the
>>>   > following error
>>>   Do you have a module named "new" in your home directory?
>>>Why, yes I did. I renamed it and things work fine now. I deduce that
>>>this problem has been seen before?
>>We've seen something similar once or twice before. When I get an error that says
>>some module doesn't have suchAndSuch attribute that really ought to be there, I
>>always check to make sure that the module I think is being imported is the
>>module that is actually being imported. The "new" module is somewhat notorious
>>for this kind of error.
>This is precisely why pep-328, which I recently mentioned, is going to be at 
>some point enforced.  I've also been bitten more than once by this.
This wouldn't really fix this problem, though because if $HOME is still 
on your sys.path then the module would be picked up from there anyway, 

Regarding PEP-328, my understanding is that the -dot- notation needed 
for sub-packages only works in Python 2.4, so we can't use it now unless 
we drop support for Python 2.3 (or play ugly games with version 
checking...) which I don't think we should until PEP-328 actually does 
get enforced.


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