[SciPy-dev] Now new svn of numpy is ready

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Jan 5 00:54:45 EST 2006

Travis Oliphant wrote:
> Fernando Perez wrote:
>>Fernando Perez wrote:
>>>On to testing scipy... (and happy from not having to say 'scipy full' :)
>>Which currently doesn't build:
> Be sure to delete the scipy tree from where you have it installed, 
> before building again.  For some reason, the build is picking up 
> scipy.distutils.  The same problem happened to me..

Yup, I figured that might have happened.  I went through and made sure that 
all possible references to scipy.distutils would be gone.  Now the build 
passes, and I can install fine.

Note, however, a rather odd behavior:

abdul[~]> python -c 'import scipy'
import stats -> failed: cannot import name dot

abdul[~]> python -c 'import numpy'
import fftpack -> failed: 'module' object has no attribute 'fftpack'
import stats -> failed: 'module' object has no attribute 'linalg'

Now, let's move scipy out of the way:

abdul[~]> mv ~/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/scipy 

Check that scipy really can't be imported:

abdul[~]> python -c 'import scipy' 
                         Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<string>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named scipy

And now, let's get numpy again:

abdul[~]> python -c 'import numpy' 

No errors...

This is a sign that numpy is pulling in dependencies from scipy, since the 
_presence_ of scipy is causing differences in the behavior of numpy.

I'll keep digging...


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