[SciPy-dev] adding files to sandbox

Matt Knox mattknox_ca at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 15:36:13 EST 2006

how does one go about getting code added to the sandbox?  Several of my co-op students over the past few months have worked on a time series module off and on, and I think it is very close to being ready for some public feedback and usage. I don't claim that the code is super efficient and/or bug free, but the basic idea of the interface is in place. We're just polishing up some of the frequency conversion stuff, which I hope to have done within two weeks, then I'd like to distribute this code to the numpy/scipy community, and maybe get some feedback if possible.

The functionality is modelled after FAME, but where possible I have tried to make it numpy-ish rather than FAME-ish when the two offer conflicting paradigms.

Some of you may remember I made a post about this same topic quite a while ago, and had not delivered anything up to this point... but I really mean it this time :)

So anyway, if someone could maybe give me some instructions on how to add code to the sandbox, or provide me with an email address that I could send the stuff to instead, that would be great.


- Matt Knox

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