[SciPy-dev] import misc -> failed: cannot import name place

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Mon Aug 28 09:52:03 EDT 2006

Just a heads up, with numpy 1.0b5.dev3084 and scipy, I get the 
following error when I so from scipy import *:

import misc -> failed: cannot import name place
exceptions.ImportError                               Traceback (most recent 
call last)

/home/darren/<ipython console>

      7 import sigtools
----> 8 from waveforms import *
      9 from bsplines import *
     10 from filter_design import *

      4 # 2003
----> 6 from numpy import asarray, zeros, place, nan, mod, pi, extract, log, 
sqrt, \
      7      exp, cos, sin, size, polyval, polyint, log10

ImportError: cannot import name place

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