[SciPy-dev] All newscipy tests pass, except on 64-bit system

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Wed Oct 26 18:26:13 EDT 2005

Pearu Peterson wrote:

>Yes! Now all newscipy tests pass on my 32-bit system but on Opteron I get 
>segfaults in fftpack tests. So far I have found that swapaxes might cause
>these faults but I am not sure. For example, the following codelet
>   tmp = zeros((1,1,1,1))
>   swapaxes(tmp, 0, -1)
>sometimes fails with intermediate error message
>   free(): invalid pointer 0xac89c0!
Does this only happen on 64-bit systems?  Or do others see this as well...


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