[SciPy-dev] Cannot build scipy_core (newcore) on Solaris 8

Christopher Hanley chanley at stsci.edu
Fri Oct 7 16:17:50 EDT 2005


I am currently trying to build scipy_core on a Solaris 8 system using 
the native Sun Compilers (Sun Workshop Release 6 update 2).  I have 
always had difficulty with Numeric3 building on Solaris because of the 
C99 library functions.  However, I was able to get around that by 
commenting out tests for those functions in the the setup.py file (thank 
you Travis for that hint).  Unfortunately, my standard bag of tricks is 
no longer working and I am unable to get scipy_core to build at all.  I 
would appreciate and tips folks could give.  I'm attaching the log file 
from by recent build attempt for reference.

Thank you for your time and help,


Christopher Hanley
Senior Software Engineer
Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Drive
Baltimore MD, 21218
(410) 338-4338
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