[SciPy-dev] statistic tests failures

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Tue Nov 22 01:57:01 EST 2005


>From time to time one of the statistics tests will fail.
Would it be reasonable/possible to automatically run those tests
a couple of times to reduce the chance of failing?

FAIL: check_normal (scipy.stats.morestats.test_morestats.test_anderson)
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 51, in check_normal
    assert_array_less(A, crit[-2:])
line 782, in assert_array_less
    assert cond,\
Arrays are not less-ordered (mismatch 50.0%):
        Array 1: 0.94024324379482493
        Array 2: [ 0.858               1.0210000000000001]

Not that this point is really worrying me a lot,
but it might confuse newcomers ...

Best, Arnd

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