[SciPy-dev] Problems with writing files and windows binary of scipy core on 2.4

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 14:40:16 EST 2005

Travis Oliphant wrote:
> Well, the old mingw32 - Python 2.4 problem has raised its head again.
> The scipy core binaries I released for Python 2.4 (and probably the full 
> scipy ones as well), segfault when using the tofile method.
> Apparently this is the same problem that existed with old scipy and 
> Python 2.4
> The solution apparently is to link multiarraymodule.o against msvcr71.a 
> when compiling with mingw32 under Python 2.4.   Is there an elegant way 
> to do this, or is a hack the only thing that we can do.  I just did it 
> manually to fix the problem with the binaries.

See the "begging for binaries" thread. I think the approach that finally
worked was this (having fixed the unfortunate typo I originally wrote):

Find the gcc specs file. If gcc.exe is %mingwpath%\bin\gcc.exe, and the
version is %mingwversion%, then the specs file should be
$mingwpath%\lib\gcc\%mingwversion%\specs . Change "-lmsvcrt" to

Now, edit scipy_distutils/mingw32ccompiler.py at around line 102 or so:

        # no additional libraries needed


        # no additional libraries needed

Robert Kern
robert.kern at gmail.com

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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