[SciPy-dev] scipy_core revision 1456 segfaults on Solaris

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Thu Nov 10 15:38:37 EST 2005

Christopher Hanley wrote:

>Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>Your tests are always very valuable.  I want to verify that you rebuit 
>>the source tree before installing the new version: i.e.
>>rm -fr build/
>>python setup.py install
>I always rebuild the source tree before installing a new version.  These 
>are the first commands in my regression testing system.
>>Also, just for good measure you should remove the old scipy directory 
>>where it was previously installed, and any include/python/scipy  
>>directories that may be lingering from old installs
>These are also removed by my regression tests.
>Below is the output from the test script you sent me:
>Bus error (core dumped)
O.K. so it's in the allclose code of masked arrays.

Could you look through that code and test each line separately.  Just 
placing print statements in your copy of scipy/base/ma.py can help.

Alternatively copy the allclose code to a test script and spread out the 
code so only one thing gets done at a time....

If you can isolate the problem to a single extension-code call, it can 
really help me.


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