[SciPy-dev] Freeze Thursday at 5:00pm until further notice

Robert Cimrman cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz
Thu Nov 10 11:39:43 EST 2005

Ed Schofield wrote:
> Stefan van der Walt wrote:
>>On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 12:06:14PM +0100, Robert Cimrman wrote:
>>>>>To prepare for this.  Please make all commits by Thursday at 5:00pm. 
>>>>5pm in which time zone?  SciPy never sleeps!
>>>... where the sun never sets. :-)
>>I assume that is GMT, along with the saying "the sun never sets on the
>>British empire?" (whereupon some can't help but say that God doesn't
>>trust the British in the dark ;)
> I assumed he meant Antarctica.  But doesn't it have seven different time
> zones??  Now I'm really confused ...

Oh, sorry, my post was not _the answer_ to the original question! It was 
just a joke after your 'SciPy never sleeps!'. It did paraphrase the 
saying about the British empire, though... ;-)


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