[SciPy-dev] Building newcore with the intel compilers on Itanium2...

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Thu Nov 3 02:29:37 EST 2005

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Robert Kern wrote:

> Fernando Perez wrote:
>> If those who know distutils
>> better than me approve, I'm even willing to do the implementation work (for a
>> simple approach, not for building a full machinery like the FCompiler system).
>>   I figure I should at least do something useful :)
> Probably the best thing to do would be to make an ICCCompiler which is a
> subclass of UnixCCompiler. Be sure to register it with the dictionary
> distutils.ccompiler.compiler_class . Then the user can set the compiler
> with --compiler=icc .

Right. I am creating the ICCCompiler at the moment and I'll let you know 
when you could test it.


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