[SciPy-dev] Compilation problems (and solutions...) on HP-UX B.11.00

Stephen Walton stephen.walton at csun.edu
Fri May 6 12:26:52 EDT 2005

Nicolas Pernetty wrote:

>I've just almost managed to get scipy 0.3.2 compiled, up and running on
>HP-UX B.11.00...
Congratulations!  As a long-ago HP-UX user I know how hard it can be to 
get some freeware working on it.  Do you know of the archive at 

>1) There should be some way to choose the fortran 77 compilers instead
>of manually editing the .py files
I believe that the INSTALL.txt file which comes with scipy is out of 
date compared with the scipy.org online documentation.  See 
http://www.scipy.org/documentation/buildscipy.txt.  You should be able 
to simply say

python setup.py build --fcompiler=hpux

(although the comment at the top says --compiler=hpux).

>4) I had a "Bus Error (core dumped)" when calling the gamma.c function
>in  ./Lib/special/cephes/gamma.c during the test scipy.test(level=1)
>It seems that the global variable P and Q are incorrectly defined, so I
>decided to use decimal configuration and add at the top of the file :
>#undef MIEEE
>#define UNK
This looks like a big-endian vs. little-endian hardware issue to me.

>6) Can you add to the INSTALL.txt file that in order to get scipy
>find the fftw and ATLAS libraries you have to use an environment var
>locating both the libraries AND the headers ?
Hmm...locally I've built scipy with the libraries and includes in either 
/usr/lib/atlas and /usr/include atlas or /usr/local/lib/atlas and 
/usr/local/include/atlas. scipy seems to find them when they're in 
either place without me having to do anything special.

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