[SciPy-user] Re[2]: [SciPy-dev] Future directions for SciPy in light of meeting at Berkeley

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu_r at users.sf.net
Thu Mar 10 02:53:47 EST 2005


>>>>> "AI" == Alan G Isaac writes:

    >> To put it bluntly, I don't believe that someone who can't
    >> install scipy today is really capable of contributing code to
    >> scipy.  I seriously doubt claims that scipy is scary or hard to
    >> install today.

    AI> I agree, but that is beside the point.  The community does not
    AI> consist only of developers.  Even bringing in students,
    AI> e.g. from engineering, biology, and economics, matters for
    AI> this.  Or so I claim.

Well, I am glad I got so many people excited by the blunt words.  I
think everyone wants something done but there are still too few people
who want to do anything about it.  With this I take leave from this
thread.  I'd rather do something positive than spend time arguing this
or that over here.


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