[SciPy-dev] Python (Enthought Edition) for Windows test release

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 19 11:22:58 EST 2005

>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Cooper <joe at enthought.com> writes:

    Joe> Thanks for giving it a spin and the configuration tip.  I'll
    Joe> get that change into the next test release.  If you'd like to
    Joe> roll a 0.70.2 release between now and the end of the week,
    Joe> I'll be happy to drop the new version in.  Since you added
    Joe> build fixes for 0.70.1, my aap recipe downloads, builds, and
    Joe> installs into the installer prefix with a single command (and
    Joe> it apparently works!).  As long as that keeps happening, I'll
    Joe> happily update it as frequently as you do until we go gold.
    Joe> ;-)

Great, I was afraid to ask :-) I figured 30 package developers saying
"wait, wait, just one more bug fix please" would make your life hell.

I'll definitely try and get a 70.2 out.  Since there are two more bugs
I would like to see fixed yet, I'll get cracking.


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