[SciPy-dev] Merged numarray branch

Norbert Nemec Norbert.Nemec.list at gmx.de
Tue Jan 11 08:35:09 EST 2005

How about adding one more way to configure numerix: apart from checking the 
command line and the environment, one could also check a global variable 

 if 'numerix' in globals().keys():
  which = globals()['numerix'], 'global variable'

That way, one could simply do a

 globals()['numerix'] = 'numarray'
 from scipy import *

at the beginning of a script without worrying about the environment.

Am Montag, 10. Januar 2005 21:49 schrieb Todd Miller:
> As part of an effort to make scipy work with numarray,  I merged the
> numarray branch of CVS onto the main trunk about an hour ago.  In
> theory,  this has no effect on the operation of scipy using Numeric and
> will eventually enable operation based on numarray.  As of today,  the
> "numarray merge" mostly affects scipy_base so there are many updates
> that remain to be done to scipy as a whole before numarray is equally
> supported.
> Operation with Numeric is the default.  To run using numarray,  you
> "setenv NUMERIX numarray" and then start python and import scipy as
> usual.  There is currently output on the console which indicates which
> array package you're getting at import time.
> There are still errors in the self-tests using numarray so this is
> mostly a curiosity announcement and head's up to be on the lookout for
> other problems.  If you're curious, get numarray from CVS on source
> forge first.
> Regards,
> Todd
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_________________________________________Norbert Nemec
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