[SciPy-dev] Arange has been sped up

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Sun Dec 11 03:46:16 EST 2005


I've just sped up arange using individual filling loops like numarray 
does -- and added (untested) complex arange functionality.

The benchmarks are showing a marked improvement in the arange function 
for scipy over its previous performance.  Thanks for the testing.

Remember this is with a debug-build for scipy on an AMD chip.

Python 2.4.2 (#1, Nov 14 2005, 21:26:13)
[GCC 3.4.1 (Mandrakelinux 10.1 3.4.1-4mdk)]
Optimization flags: -g -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
CPU info: getNCPUs has_3dnow has_3dnowext has_mmx is_32bit is_AMD 
benchmark size = 10  (vectors of length 1048576)
label            Numeric       numarray     scipy.base
    1             0.1377         0.0505        0.02734
    2             0.1017         0.1063        0.09208
    3            0.07226        0.07828         0.0825
    4             0.4258         0.2689         0.1533
    5             0.1126         0.1079        0.08457
    6             0.0719        0.07721        0.08304
    7             0.3053         0.3167         0.1547
    8             0.1958         0.1964         0.1075
    9              2.259          2.829          1.775
   10              2.221          2.925          1.811
   11              1.725          2.329          1.438
TOTAL              7.628          9.285           5.81

For all but lines 3 and 6, scipy_core is apparently doing better on my 
system.  These
are lines calling x % y and scipy_core implements the remainder the same 
way that
Python does (thus needing extra checking) which I expect accounts for 
its tiny slowness


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