[SciPy-dev] Restructuring of SciPy

Joe Harrington jh at oobleck.astro.cornell.edu
Mon Aug 22 16:26:00 EDT 2005

On this thread from last week, I thought we had already decided to
move in the direction of modules and well-written intro docs that
point you to a specific graphics package (while letting you know that
others exist and pointing you to more info).  The concept was laid out
in the ASP doc and ensuing discussion, for which see the wiki.  We
also introduced the idea of umbrella packages, which are
(nearly-)empty packages that depend on (and therefore cause your
package manager to download and install) useful sets of modules.  For
example, we could have a scipy-astro-all that got scipy-core,
scipy-docs, scipy-astro, scipy-matplotlib, and so on, but not
scipy-bio-molecules or scipy-em-whatever.  For that matter, we could
(should) have a scipy-all, that gets everything.


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