[SciPy-dev] pynotes

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Fri Nov 19 08:41:40 EST 2004

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:

> >>>>> "AB" == Arnd Baecker <arnd.baecker at web.de> writes:
>     AB> In any case, the "real" test is to run
>     AB>   python test2.py
>     AB> as this tests out several objects.  (It will only output the
>     AB> resulting path, but that's the only crucial point).
>     AB> - are there modules/objects where the approach fails?
>     AB> (I would be very surprised if not ;-) - I am pretty certain
>     AB> that one could overcome such problems
> I ran the test2.py script and except for the linalg stuff, which is
> probably broken on my machine, everything else works.  Debian, sarge.

Interesting, I am also running debian sarge and linalg works fine.

> importing Linalg gives me this error:
>   File "/usr/local/stow/scipy/lib/python2.3/site-packages/scipy/linalg/lapack.py", line 16, in ?
>     import clapack
> ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/scipy/linalg/clapack.so: undefined symbol: clapack_sgesv

Hmm, is stow causing problems here ?

Anyway, I am using the scipy debian packages from
deb http://deb-scipy.alioth.debian.org/apt/ ./

As you seem to have a couple of python things at non-standard debian
locations I would be interested in the full
output of python test2.py (off-list mail to me would be great).
Note that I just made a few more changes
to both pynotes.py and test2.py, see

> Anyway, good luck!

Many thanks - Gary Ruben mailed some interesting results
for Windows - still some work to be done, but I am optimistic!

Best, Arnd

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