[SciPy-dev] wgnuplot.exe dependency in 0.3.2

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Wed Nov 10 13:11:05 EST 2004

Joe Cooper schrieb:
> Fernando Perez wrote:
>>Would you guys be willing to start 
>>shipping ipython with Enthon?
> iPython is going into the next release of Enthon this week, and will 
> remain for as long as iPython works on Windows.  It was decided long 
> ago, but this is the first new release of Enthon in a while.  Small and 
> easy to build packages like iPython don't make me itch.

Great!  By the way, if you are interested in building a true windows installer 
for it, I had a first stab at the problem a while back.  The idea was to use 
python2.3's ability to make a true installer via:

./setup.py bdist_wininst --install-script=ipython_win_post_install.py

However, things didn't quite work well, and not having a windows machine to 
debug on made me drop the whole thing.  But the post_install script, along 
with some attempted improvements, are here:


You might find some of this useful if you need to build a true installer.  If 
you get this to work, let me know what changes you made and I'll toss them 
into CVS.



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