[SciPy-dev] Accessible SciPy (ASP) project

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Tue Nov 2 21:16:48 EST 2004

Janet Swisher schrieb:

> Regarding authoring tools, I have LyX installed, because I wanted to look at
> the tutorial source. I have used LaTeX in the past (10-15 years ago), and
> could refamiliarize myself pretty easily. However, Enthought doesn't use it
> for any other purpose, so I might be the only person here who is/will be
> familiar with it. 

I just want to make sure that it's clear that for most tasks, Lyx requires 
essentially zero latex knowledge, as the gui provides access to a lot of 
functionality without requiring the explicit typing of latex commands.

So hopefully using lyx would not impose any additional burden on Enthought in 
terms of learning latex (lyx itself is similar enough to Word/OOo that 
hopefully its use would not be a problem).



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