[SciPy-dev] Accessible SciPy (ASP) project

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Tue Nov 2 14:45:32 EST 2004

Travis Oliphant schrieb:

> After perusing some of the documentation choices, I would say that 
> "write" now  I'm looking favorably toward documancer for a graphical 
> help browser and lyx or tbook for producing documentation.
> These  look like good solutions for the problems at hand.

+1 (I favor lyx, but simply because I'm so used to it.  I have no experience 
with tbook)

It would be great to hear a bit from Janet and Eric on this topic, to make 
sure that these tools are OK with their requirements/environment.

But if there is no major disagreement, then we should stop discussing this 
particular topic and move on.  There's a lot more work to do :)



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