[SciPy-dev] Random integers

Charles Harris charles.harris at sdl.usu.edu
Fri Aug 27 09:20:37 EDT 2004

If it is the same package, it comes from casting a double to float by rounding. It is compiler dependent. This is fixed this in numarray cvs.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Robert Kern [mailto:rkern at ucsd.edu]
Sent:	Thu 8/26/2004 3:03 PM
To:	SciPy Developers List
Subject:	[SciPy-dev] Random integers
stats.randint.rvs(min, max) doesn't always do the right thing. Namely, 
it will occasionally give a number equal to max. Numeric's 
RandomArray.randint(min, max) doesn't seem to have this problem (or at 
least the sample size needed to show it is rather higher than that for 

Oddly enough, they seem to do the same computation. Any thoughts?

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

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  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
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