[SciPy-dev] distutils and persistent system information

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Thu Apr 29 16:04:23 EDT 2004

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:

> >>>>> "PP" == Pearu Peterson <pearu at scipy.org> writes:
> [PR on saving build configuration info for later retrieval]
>     PP> Actually, I like the idea of saving the build information in
>     PP> installation.  It helps debugging, users can send this
>     PP> information for feedback, etc.  So, I'd propose to make this
>     PP> feature global to scipy or weave or any other standalone
>     PP> package. For example,
> [...]
>     PP> Now, after installing linalg:
>     PP>   python setup_linalg.py install
>     PP> one can do in Python:
>     >>> import linalg.config
>     >>> linalg.config.get_info('lapack_opt')
> Perfect!  I think this should work fine.  I'll save your message and
> try to incorporate this approach.

See also scipy/setup.py that has a bit less errorprone generate_config().
Btw, when you have scipy installed from CVS then you can also do

In [1]: import scipy.config
In [2]: scipy.config.show()
    libraries = ['lapack']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib']
    language = f77


    libraries = ['f77blas', 'cblas', 'atlas']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/sse2']
    define_macros = [('ATLAS_INFO', '"\\"3.6.0\\""')]
    language = c
    include_dirs = ['/usr/include', 'build/src']


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