[SciPy-dev] Correcting documentation on the site?

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Tue Apr 27 15:56:51 EDT 2004

Hi Prabhu,

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:

> Hi,
> For a while, I've been meaning to edit the "Performance Python with
> Weave" article and make corrections/modifications.
>  http://www.scipy.org/documentation/weave/weaveperformance.html

I have added you to the list of managers (not sure if this is the correct 
role..) of this page. Try again to edit document.

> I was wondering if it would be possible for members to edit the pages
> (or atleast some of the pages) and fix them?  Ideally this is the job
> for a Wiki.  However a lot of the content on the site is in the form
> of regular non-editable articles and it is not possible for a member
> to modify the article at all.  Its probably a lot easier if members
> could be allowed to edit content.  Alternatively it would be nice if
> some of the members could be allowed to edit certain sections.
> Something like a group of users who can add/modify content if they
> belong to the group.  The user can email the admin to get privileges
> and the admin can effectively eliminate the possibility of any
> vandalism by removing any offending users from the group.  Is this
> possible with Plone?

I guess it is if the above works.


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