[SciPy-dev] Progress being made on Chaco Linux problem

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Sep 23 21:42:30 EDT 2002

>>>>> "DCM" == David C Morrill <dmorrill at enthought.com> writes:

    DCM> Just wanted to let everyone know that I have made some
    DCM> progress on the Chaco Linux problem that several people have
    DCM> reported.  It appears that the Linux GTK-based version on
    DCM> wxPython does not implement the wxDC.SetDeviceOrigin and
    DCM> wxDC.SetAxisOrientation methods the same way as the Windows
    DCM> version does.

Is that the same reason why I got the tracebacks that I sent to the

 File "/usr/local/lib/python2.1/site-packages/kiva/wxcore2d.py", line 167, in d
ValueError: type must be either a 1-length string, or a python type object

Please let us know if you need us to checkout a CVS copy and play with
a newer version.


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