[SciPy-dev] Re: [Scipy-cvs] CVS update: world/scipy/scipy_distutils/command

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Sep 17 10:58:12 EDT 2002

    Pearu> Few comments about Sun compiler support:

    Pearu> 1) Does anyone have idea how many different Sun Fortran are there
    Pearu>    available? If there are many, then it is fine to introduce new
    Pearu>    compiler classes, may be something like the following:

Agreed, I suppose.  The problem is getting enough heads together to figure
everything out.  I don't think there is a "generic" Fortran compiler for
Suns.  I think it's always been an add-on.

    Pearu> 2) f90 should not have -fixed option specified as scipy_distutils
    Pearu>    should be able to compile also Fortran 90 free format sources,
    Pearu>    even if currently there are any F90 sources in Scipy. Note
    Pearu>    that there are f2py users that wrap F90 free format codes to
    Pearu>    Python.

I only changed the comment from "why fixed?" to explain to someone without
the compiler man page available just what the -fixed flag is.

    Pearu> If your system does not have f77 command (that under Sun should
    Pearu> be kinda "alias" to `f90 -fixed`) then specify fc = 'f90 -fixed'
    Pearu> (though, I doubt that there is a real need for that).

I believe "f77" on Suns really runs f90 with appropriate flags.

    Pearu> 3) Did you check that calling self.find_lib_dir() is really
    Pearu>    necessary?

After reading the info about the -R flag in the f90 man page I'm not sure,
although I think I tried getting rid of it, but that failed.  I tweaked what
is there a little.  It didn't handle the case where LD_RUN_PATH was not
defined.  I'll try disabling it again and see what happens.


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