[SciPy-dev] Testing stats.py - Error in stats.kurtosis [ATTN: Travis O.]

Louis Luangkesorn lluang at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 11:58:04 EST 2002

[ATTN: Travis Oliphant]

I've written some more tests for the stats module.  Since the
stats.py module groups functions in the introductory pydoc
comments, I organized the tests I have written into classes
based on these groupings.  I don't know of any standard problem
sets, so I used a basic test set [1,2,3,4] as well as a test set
from the Mathworks web site (Matlab documentation).  The return
value for each test was determined by using R v1.5.1 on Windows,
and the R input used was copied into the comments for each test.

I have one test that is failing, kurtosis.  For the two test
cases, I get using R
[testcase] Kurtosis = 1.64
[Mathworks] Kurtosis = 2.1658856803 [Mathworks has 2.1615]

Using stats.py I get 
[testcase] Kurtosis = -1.36
[Mathworks] Kurtosis = -0.834114319703

Attached are the additional test classes.   The classes
test_moments and test_variability can be added directly before
the function test_suite(level=1) in test_stats.py.  The lines in
test_suite in the attached file should be added to the current
test_suite in test_stats.py.

Let me know if this works.  I almost put it directly in CVS, but
I think Travis O. has someone working on the stats module so I
thought that it should be added from there.


lluang at northwestern.edu  http://pubweb.nwu.edu/~kll560  GPG Key:0xF3E2D362
Y!M, AOL, jabber.com: lluang
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