[SciPy-dev] ccache

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Mon Oct 14 05:55:54 EDT 2002

Report on Mandrake 8.2 (gcc-2.96 self-compiled python 2.2.1)
Updated SciPy installation.

Tests pass (although now I have to do weave.test() separately)

I had to change wx_spec.py  in a couple of places.  First, I had to
change the definition of wx_base (this should be in the system_info

Then, I had to change 

ldflags = get_wxconfig('ldflags') 


ldflags = get_wxconfig('ld')

These changes allowed the tests to succeed.  Partial outputs shown

>>> weave.test(10)  results in 

Ran 184 tests in 97.017s


>>> scipy.test(10) results in 

Ran 423 tests in 51.404s


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