[SciPy-dev] PATCH: scipy_distutils/system_info.py

David M. Cooke cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca
Thu May 23 18:57:28 EDT 2002

Ok, I've taken another look at the system_info.py code. The attached
patch does the following:

- The wrong things were being set for static and shared libraries.
  Static libraries should be linked as 'extra_objects', and shared
  libraries using 'libraries' and 'library_dirs'.

- X11 is only linked statically if static_first=1 is set in the x11
  section of the site.cfg file (i.e., only when you explicitly ask for
  it, which you probably won't)

- The environment variables ATLAS and FFTW can now be set to a list of
  directories, if you don't want to use the site.cfg method.

- The doc strings for {Atlas,FFTW}NotFoundError now mention site.cfg
  as a method of setting paths

|David M. Cooke
|cookedm at mcmaster.ca
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