[SciPy-dev] FYI on meaning of 'Test Completed' on Download/Scoreboard pages of SciPy.org

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Wed May 22 17:18:15 EDT 2002


I like very much the new outlook and features of scipy.org pages. Thanks
to all who worked these things out!

Here is a small feature request to Scoreboard pages: 

Would it make sense to add also more detailed version information
(and configuration flags if applicable) about C/C++/Fortran
compilers used to run these builds and tests?
May be it would be possible to add this information into the header of
automatically generated logs? What do you think?

Notice that soon people start to use gcc-3.1 so that the compiler 
information becomes really relevant. For instance, weave has
problems with gcc-3.0.4 but not with gcc-2.95.4 (well, I get only one
seeminly random compilation failure with 2.95.4). I haven't tried
gcc-3.1, though.


PS: Also I would like to remind that CVS version calculation is not
working :-(
Please let me know if you don't care about this feature, then I'll
just stop bothering you about this.

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