[SciPy-dev] Re: test_stats.py

Louis Luangkesorn lluang at yahoo.com
Tue May 7 18:10:18 EDT 2002


I have a document that I think you ended up making my index page on
the scipy site.  (I forgot just what words you use to describe
that)  I will need to update my version of scipy (do I get it off
of CVS or is there a tarball shapshot or something like that I can
use).  All the errors I get currently involve regression.  The
problem is the test cases I used were actually designed to find
numerical instability, in particular when the numbers involved are
very large or very small.  From looking at the code (I'm not that
good of a stats or numerical person) I think there are a couple of
constants in the stats.py regression code that work when the
numbers are the type used in psychology or survey analysis (i.e.
counting people) but not for large or small numbers.

Could you send the unittest output?  If I knew which tests failed I
can help you some more.

--- eric <eric at enthought.com> wrote:
> There were a few import failures in Loius' stats tests due to the
> scipy_base
> rearrangement of modules.  I fixed those so that the tests run
> again.  The bad
> news is that it results in tons of testing errors and 1 or 2
> failures on my
> Linux box.  Louis, do you have time to look at what is going on?
> thanks,
> eric
> --
> Eric Jones <eric at enthought.com>
> Enthought, Inc. [www.enthought.com and www.scipy.org]
> (512) 536-1057

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