[SciPy-dev] gsl and scipy

Jochen Küpper jochen at unc.edu
Tue May 7 10:30:10 EDT 2002

On Tue, 7 May 2002 11:58:27 +0200 (MEST) arnd baecker wrote:

arnd> At present I was not interested in a specific routine (though
arnd> there might be some of the additional special functions of
arnd> interest at some point...),

And as you know these are wrapped in pygsl already.

arnd> but more in the conceptual issues of
arnd> a) having a quite interesting library as gsl around
arnd> and the pygsl project to provide the python wrappers for this
arnd> and how these two might work together ...

Me too:))

arnd> b) the question of the automatic wrapping and documentation
arnd> generation for such type of library

This would make life much easier in the long run.  But as we discussed
on this list before the design of GSL definitely wasn't made with
Python in mind...
Maybe we'll see an OO implementation of GSL at some point, but even
then it remains to be seen whether that transfers well into Python.

Nevertheless a GPL'ed numerics library in C is really something that
should be around the free software landscape.  The ability of using it
from Pyhon is obvious then too, although I agree that initially a
single effort (ala scipy) is as good of an approach as splitting
efforts.  The latter happened already, though.  And some people might
prefer to use GSL from C and Python in the same project.  (Not saying
you cannot do that with cephes...)

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