[SciPy-dev] Patch for broken scipy.plt.plot_objects.py

A.Schmolck a.schmolck at gmx.net
Mon Jan 21 10:05:00 EST 2002


I didn't find anything specific on the www.scipy.org on how to submit patches,
so I hope submitting them here is OK.

I hit upon a bug in plt.imagesc, that took me quite a long time to track
down. Basically, it won't display any non-square matrices correctly. However,
reshaping a flat array (which I happen to mostly work with), incorrectly
(i.e. reshape(a.flat,(col, row)) instead of reshape(a.flat, (row, col))), will
result in the plot one expected. I was therefore quite dumbfounded when I
found that plt.imagesc(reshape(a.flat,(col, row))) worked but
plt.imagesc(transpose(reshape(a.flat,(col,row)))) produced garbage.

Here is a fix (plus anoter small change), which I hope should work.

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Alexander Schmolck     Postgraduate Research Student
                       Department of Computer Science
                       University of Exeter
A.Schmolck at gmx.net     http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/people/aschmolc/

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