[SciPy-dev] New in fastumath ~ (means conjugate on floats and complex numbers)

Anthony Rossini rossini at u.washington.edu
Tue Feb 26 16:20:51 EST 2002

Yikes.  That little operation is a bit nasty for me.  Explanation: in S (and hence in R, the stat languages that I referred to a while back), 
~ is the "model building" operator, i.e. "y ~ x" refers to "y = x + e", where
e is the associated error term (go back to linear models or regression, if you will)_.  I'd like to extend SciPy to use this language at some point, and direct would be better than having to quote it (but that's probably where we will end up).

I rarely need conjugation, but readily acknowledge that other computational areas really need that feature.


On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, eric wrote:

> > On Sunday 24 February 2002 01:24 am, you wrote:
> > > I finally realized that with a simple change we can use the unary operator
> > > on floats and complex numbers to mean complex conjugation.
> > >
> > > I've made the simple change in the CVS version of fastumath.
> > >
> > > So, in scipy complex-conjugation is as simple as
> > >
> > > ~a
> > >
> > > if a is a complex number (or a float).
> > >
> > > The only problem is that if a is an integer it still means bitwise
> > > inversion.
> > >
> > > Is the added convenience worth the possible confusion?  The problem is that
> > > complex conjugation happens all the time, but bitwise inversion rarely.
> >
> > So, what if we made ~ consistently complex conjugation and eliminated the
> > confusion.  The invert would still be available as a function call.
> >
> > We could also make changes to any of the other symbols as well while we are
> > at it if the demand is there.  We can do this without making any changes to
> > Numeric as well.
> >
> > Let me know.  If no one likes the idea but likes writing conjugate(myarray)
> > everywhere then I'll back out the changes.
> I'm not so fond of conjugate(myarray) and would rather use ~ also, but I can't
> see a safe way to do it in numerical code without changing Python itself.  My
> view is that numerical operations should work with similar behavior on both
> arrays and scalars and should produce un-ambiguous results.  I also do not think
> we should make any changes that affect standard Python code (I don't mind
> changes to Numeric's behavior though when it is appropriate).  The following set
> of examples illustrates the problems of mixing types, etc:
>     >>> def conj_test(a,b):
>     ...    return ~a + ~b
>     ...
>     # Try it with two integers
>     >>> conj_test(1,1)
>     -4
>     # Now with two complex values
>     >>> conj_test(1+0j,1+0j)
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>       File "<stdin>", line 2, in conj_test
>     TypeError: bad operand type for unary ~
>     # now try an array -- this produces the results we want
>     >>> a=array((1+0j))
>     >>> conj_test(a,a)
>     (2+0j)
>     # but mixing an array with an integer returns bogus results
>     >>> conj_test(a,1)
>     (-1+0j)
>     # and mixing with a scalar complex fails.
>     >>> conj_test(a,1+0j)
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>       File "<stdin>", line 2, in conj_test
>     TypeError: bad operand type for unary ~
> It might be possible to overload the ~ operator in Python2.2 for complex values
> so that it worked correctly (I haven't looked into the new type/class stuff
> much), but if we did, it is effectively a language change to Python.  In the
> complex number arena, I don't think it would break much code, but it does have
> that potential.  We need to think long and hard about such decisions and would
> do better to lobby Guido et al. about such a change (I sorely want a __cmp__ for
> complex numbers to work with some default behavior).
> But even if we got it fixed for complex scalars, the fact that conj_test(1,1)
> would return completely different results than conj_test(1+0j,1+0j) is a show
> stopper to me.  I'd be all for ~ universally meaning conjugate, but its been in
> the language for to long for this to happen.
> Could we shorten the name to conj()?  Its not as good as ~, but it does cut down
> on typing and is obvious to those who would use it.
> eric
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