[SciPy-dev] The next generation of the scipy site

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Sun Feb 24 09:29:21 EST 2002

Hi Travis,

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Travis N. Vaught wrote:

> This should be fixed in the next generation of the site along with other
> improvements and fixes.  We will hopefully migrate to it later next week.
> BTW if you have any other suggestions about the site, they are welcome.
> Here are some thoughts that are being bandied about:
>  o Roundup bug-tracker instead of the currently ignored sourceforge tracker
>  o Better facility for community comments to docs and the site in
> general--perhaps just the mailing lists
>  o get rid of duplicate functionality (Wikis are similar to comments (now
> disabled) are similar to archived mailing lists--we should probably use one
> for discussion (mailing lists) one for co-generated docs (Probably not wikis
> but I'm not sure--could be some CMF document in users' folders)

Here follows a small wish-list from me:

- In order to be updated what is going on in CVS, a 
	scipy-cvs at scipy.org
would be useful. The purpose of this list is to automatically record
messages from CVS commits. Being subscribed to this list one can quickly
deside whether one wants to update CVS or not. For example, if working
with some part of scipy, I would like to be aware of new commits to this
part. While it may not be very crucial to be updated from other
subprojects (that occasionally may introduce building problems and disturb
working with the particular part). I hope that you got the point. 
Btw, Reply-To field for scipy-cvs would be useful to set
scipy-dev at scipy.org.

- I understand that the sourceforge tracker is ignored because of
the current too rapid development where bugs come in and go out before one
is fast enough to submit a bug report to the tracker. However, some bugs
are longer lasting than others and it would be really useful that they
get recorded in a better place than this mailing list (it may be
very tedious later to find bug reports that got no replies or fixes).
So, I would like that it would be easier to send bug reports from users
and developers in such a way that the most right person(s) gets
notified of the bug. I don't know what would be the best way to accomplish
this, just few ideas:
  a) to have a scipy-bug at scipy.py mailing list -- it does not solve all
the mentioned problems but it would keep development and bug messages
  b) to urge users and developers to use more often the sourceforge
tracker - personally, I find it less convinient than the mailing list
because there are allsorts of formalities such as one has to be logged in
etc. However, if I would use it more frequently than now, I might start
liking it.. I have little idea what are the differences of Roundup
bug-tracker and the sourceforge tracker except the former one is python

What do you think?

PS: I never have got the wiki idea either, may be because I have never
felt that it would be somehow useful to learn. May be I am plain wrong
here and have no idea what I have missed. Just I am not a mouse person;)


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