[SciPy-dev] SciPy on MacOS X (almost)

eric eric at scipy.org
Tue Feb 19 22:23:18 EST 2002

> Hi Everyone,
> First, let me say THANKS for SciPy!  A colleague and I have begun
> using Python, Numeric, and SciPy exclusively for our research (instead
> of MATLAB).

I'm glad to hear it.  What field are you working in?

>  While it's been a little rough here in the beginning,
> already we can see a lot of advantages to making the switch.

It is definitely rought around the edges.  Hopefully it is a diamond in the

> My main reason for posting is to try to help push along support for
> MacOS X.

I'm all for it and will help where possible.  We don't have any machines though.

> I noticed some recent postings on this subject, but was not
> a member of the list so could not reply to them directly.  To
> summarize, I seem to have successfully built SciPy using the Fink
> tools, but have some errors when trying to import it (which have also
> shown up in other contexts on this list).  Any help in getting this
> stuff working would be greatly appreciated!  If there is interest, I
> can look into getting SciPy added as a Fink package.

I'm all for getting SciPy into as many corners as possible, but I worry that it
is still a little green.  What are the requirements in this area for Fink?

> Details of my attempt are below.

How does the latest CVS do on Mac?


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