[SciPy-dev] Bug in build_ext.py

John Barnard barnard at stat.harvard.edu
Tue Feb 19 10:33:50 EST 2002

There appears to be a small bug in scipy_distutils.command.build_ext on
line 74: it should be library_dirs and not libraries_dirs

	if lib_dir not in self.compiler.libraries_dirs:

should be

        if lib_dir not in self.compiler.library_dirs:

With the latest CVS sources, I've finally managed to get scipy to compile
on Windows 2000 using mingw. Now it's time to play.

* John Barnard, Ph.D.
* Senior Research Statistician
* deCODE genetics
* 1000 Winter Str., Suite 3100
* Waltham, MA 02451
* Phone (Direct)  : (781) 290-5771 Ext. 27
* Phone (General) : (781) 466-8833
* Fax             : (781) 466-8686
* Email: j.barnard at decode.com

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