[SciPy-dev] Build problerms on various Windows versions

eric eric at scipy.org
Wed Feb 13 03:20:40 EST 2002

Hey Heiko,

All the missing functions are BLAS (basic linear algebra) functions that are
needed by odepack, linalg stuff, and maybe other places.  What's strange is they
don't seem to be needed by quadpack because my build doesn't give me link errors
here, but this is where you are getting the link errors.  Maybe it is
complaining because odepack is included in the link step for quadpack even
though it is not used?  There is no way to exclude libraries form the link step
with distutils -- but also, this shouldn't be necessary.

Something to try:
Do you have the ATLAS version of the blas/lapack libraries present on your
system?  If not, you need to download and build it (it takes a while).  Then you
need to make sure scipy_distutils/atlas_info.py returns the correct library
paths for your machine.  Then edit
integrate\setup_integrate.py so that the quadback extension links with the atlas
blas libraries just like the odepack extension.

This should solve the link issues, but again, I have no idea why you get them on
this module and I don't.  Let me know if this works.

Also, your using Python2.2, and we haven't looked at using it much yet.  There
may be other build/use issues you run into.

see ya,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Heiko Henkelmann" <heiko at hhenkelmann.de>
To: <scipy-dev at scipy.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: [SciPy-dev] Build problerms on various Windows versions

> > What Fortran compiler are you using?  Can you send the output of your
> build
> > to me?
> >
> I'm using MinGW. Attached you can find the output.
> Thanx for your help
> Heiko

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