[SciPy-dev] "New" bug tracker for SciPy/Weave/Chaco

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Thu Dec 12 18:44:36 EST 2002

Hey group,

We've had a Roundup bug tracker for a while now, but haven't really
announced it as we were working out the hitches in it.  I believe it is
in good enough shape now for us to start using it.

Please start submitting bugs to the bugtracker.  


Roundup handles its own login management, so unfortunately it doesn't
integrate seamlessly with the scipy.org site yet (any volunteers?).
You'll have to register as a Roundup user if you want to benefit from
its email system of keeping the bug submitter informed of progress.
Sorry about this, but please do take the time to do this.  It'll help
with communication.  It is also possible to submit bugs anonymously.

There will likely be some bugs in the actual bugtracker.:-|  Let us know
when you see something that needs to be fixed, and we'll try and
accommodate.  We really could use a Roundup/Zope expert from the
community to pitch in on this.


Is there a link to point people at for a quick tutorial?  If so, could
you place it on the bugtracker side bar.  If not, could you write up a
quick-start guide.


eric jones                    515 Congress Ave
www.enthought.com             Suite 1614
512 536-1057                  Austin, Tx 78701 

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