[SciPy-dev] scipy-0.2 -- maybe mid next week

eric eric at scipy.org
Sun Apr 7 16:22:41 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: <pearu at scipy.org>
To: <scipy-dev at scipy.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [SciPy-dev] scipy-0.2 -- maybe mid next week

> Hi,
> On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, eric wrote:
> > 2.
> > Where are we on the linalg to linalg2 transition?  Has everything been moved
> > over?  I haven't looked at the cblas/fblas wrappers in a while.  Also, I'm
> > up to speed on all the work Travis and Pearu have done.  Is it release
> I have finished blas wrappers. Well, there is still lots of work to do
> with tests and wrappers but at least now everything is covered that
> is in linalg. Except ger routines but they are not show stoppers, I hope,
> and can wait.
> Travis, can we start replacing linalg with linalg2?
> May be first removing linalg to linalg1 in CVS, then linalg2 -> linalg,
> and if everything works fine we can remove linalg1 from CVS.
> What do you think?

Looks like you've done this already.  Good.  I just checked on test level 10 and
everything passes on RH 7.1, even all the weave tests.

I do have one problem though:

>>> import clapack
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: ./clapack.so: undefined symbol: clapack_sgesv

This makes no sense because I checked my liblapack.a, and the symbol is defined.
Anyone else seen this?  Removing clapack.so gets everything to work smashingly.
Anyway, I'll try to track it down.

> > 3.
> > Documentation and installation guides needs to be updated.  There have been
> > substantial updates and rearrangments that we should document.  I haven't
> > at this yet.
> I could not find new build instructions that Fernando put together from
> the scipy site anymore. What happend to this document? Does anyone has a
> copy of it?

Not sure about this.  I'll get them from him, and put them back up in a public

> > 4.
> > source and binary distributions need to be built and tested.  I'd like to
> > Windows,Mac,Debian, and Linux RH rpms available.  I can do the Windows and
> > the rpms on a RH 7.x box.  I know binary RPMs have a lot of issues, so I
> > we should have a source RPM also?
> Source (tar-ball) distribution builds and passes all tests (currently 320
> for level=1) with Python 2.1 on Debian Woody. With Python 2.2 only some
> weave tests fail if the test level is high.

Cool -- but what are the weave failures?  I don't get any failures when testing
with the latest CVS, Python2.2b2 on RH 7.1.  It looks like multiple platforms
are having problems with weave.  I'll post a separate message for this and try
to gather up all the issues under one thread.


> Pearu
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