[SciPy-dev] some notes

Jochen Küpper jochen at unc.edu
Sat Apr 6 19:53:41 EST 2002

Some notes on latest cvs...

As I have suggested before the coding guidelines should specify a
maximum of 79 cols instead of 80, as emacsens break lines with exactly
80 cols...
The style guide(s) referenced should be PEPs 0007 and 0008, not
Guido's old paper.

The reference to Numeric should probably be the generic www.numpy.org,
even it being a redirect.

The THANKS file should adhere to the format guidelines, too. A line
with 182 cols is a little long for sure:)
A question mark behind a person in this file doesn't look too
professional either...  I guess the file needs some general updating?

A lot of what is in INSTALL typically belongs into a README, whereas
INSTALL should have just /installation instructions/, IMHO.

The copyright in the license file ought to be updated, I guess?

Hope it helps,
University of North Carolina                       phone: +1-919-962-4403
Department of Chemistry                            phone: +1-919-962-1579
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