[SciPy-dev] problems to find ATLAS during build

David M. Cooke cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca
Wed Apr 3 16:59:21 EST 2002

At some point, "Heiko Henkelmann" <heiko at hhenkelmann.de> wrote:

> And the content and location of my atlas directory:
> MinGW>ls -l
> total 10308
> -rw-r--r--    1 henkelma 544       4587352 Mar 26 21:03 LIBATLAS.A
> -rw-r--r--    1 henkelma 544        242394 Mar 26 20:43 LIBCBLAS.A
> -rw-r--r--    1 henkelma 544        257842 Mar 26 21:06 libf77blas.a
> -rw-r--r--    1 henkelma 544       5466190 Mar 27 20:01 liblapack.a

Have a look at scipy_distutils/sample_site.cfg. Copy it to site.cfg
(same directory) and edit it so that the [atlas] section looks like

lib_dir = E:\USR\LIB\ATLAS

Then it will find your libraries.

Actually, that's not going to work since I wrote the code to split
that like a Unix path, so it'll look in E and \USR\LIB\ATLAS (which is
not what you want).

I've attached a patch to the current CVS that splits path lists using
os.pathsep as the separator character (';' for win32 and ':' for POSIX).
With this the above should work.

|David M. Cooke
|cookedm at mcmaster.ca
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