[scikit-learn] error code linear models

carlos gonzalez carlos.gonzalez1006 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 12:16:52 EST 2024

Dear friends, this is a friend from Latin America reporting the error in
one of his guides, the one on linear problems, which in the following
paragraph represents a variable through (sns):

train_dataset = X_train.copy()
train_dataset.insert(0, "WAGE", y_train)
_ = sns.pairplot(train_dataset, kind="reg", diag_kind="kde")
which in representation to be defined as: _ the value is incorrect in
addition to not importing the correct library..

I leave you what I did with colab and helping with this error corrected:

!pip install seaborn
import seaborn as sns

# The code below will now execute successfully.
train_dataset = X_train.copy()
train_dataset.insert(0, "WAGE", y_train)
a = sns.pairplot(train_dataset, kind="reg", diag_kind="kde")

I appreciate your reading and correction in advance :)


Carlos González T.

Ing. Informático.
[image: mobilePhone] +56977542105
[image: emailAddress] carlos.gonzalez1006 at gmail.com
[image: address] Maipú, Santiago
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