[scikit-learn] what is "value" in the nodes of trees in a gbm?

Guillaume Lemaître g.lemaitre58 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 10:51:00 EDT 2023

You probably want to look at the following example section:


On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 at 14:52, Sole Galli via scikit-learn <
scikit-learn at python.org> wrote:

> Hi Nicolas,
> Thank you so much for the links and explanation. I really appreciate it.
> I am struggling to reproduce the results though. There's probably
> something I don't understand.
> This is an image of the top node, of the first tree in the ensemble
> (GradientBoostingRegressor):
> [image: Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 14-39-06 4-gbm-local - Jupyter
> Notebook.png]
> How can I manually obtain the values for squared_error​ and value​?
> I thought square_error​ would be:
> np.mean( (y_train - 0.1 * gbm.estimators_[0][0].predict(X_train))**2)
> And value​ would be:
> -2 * (y_train - 0.1 * gbm.estimators_[0][0].predict(X_train))
> But those calculations do not return the numbers shown in the node.
> Is there something obvious that I am doing wrong?
> Thanks a lot!
> Best
> Sole
> Sent with Proton Mail <https://proton.me/> secure email.
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Monday, October 30th, 2023 at 5:34 PM, Nicolas Hug <niourf at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> The node values in GBDTs are an aggregation (typically a regularized
> average) of the *gradients *of the samples in that node.
> Each sample (x, y) is associated with a gradient computed as grad =
> d_loss(pred(x), y) / d_pred(x). These gradients are in the same physical
> dimension as the target (for regression). Some resources that may help:
> - https://explained.ai/gradient-boosting/descent.html
> - https://nicolas-hug.com/blog/gradient_boosting_descent (self plug)
> Nicolas
> On 30/10/2023 16:09, Sole Galli via scikit-learn wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to interpret the outputs of gradient boosting machines sample
> per sample.
> What does the "value" in each node of each tree in a gbm regressor mean?
> [image: Untitled.png]
> In random forests, value is the mean target value of the observations seen
> at that node. At the top node it is usually the mean target value of the
> train set (or bootstrapped sample). As it goes down the leaves it is the
> mean target value of the samples at each child.
> But in gradient boosting machines it is different. And I can't decipher
> how it is calculated.
> I expected the value in the first tree at the top node to be zero, because
> the residuals of the first tree are zero. But it is not exactly zero.
> In summary, *how is the value at each node / tree calculated?*
> Thanks a lot!!!
> Warm regards,
> Sole
> Sent with Proton Mail <https://proton.me/> secure email.
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Guillaume Lemaitre
Scikit-learn @ Inria Foundation
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