[scikit-learn] scikit-learn: March 2022 Updates: blog(s) + more

Reshama Shaikh reshama.stat at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 09:15:45 EDT 2022


Read on for March 2022 updates from scikit-learn.

[1] scikit-learn has a * BLOG * !

[2] Blog: Performance in scikit-learn

[3] Blog: Three Components for Reviewing a Pull Request

[4] Calendar: Office Hours and Meetings

[5] scikit-learn is on social media: support us & get updates by following

[6] scikit-learn MOOC is ongoing and you can still sign-up!

[7] NumFOCUS Open Source Research Project


We would like to share a significant milestone in scikit-learn:  a BLOG!


This blog was created using open source tools such as Jekyll and GitHub

Lauren Burke, the blog creator, will be sharing how to get started creating
a blog and hosting it for free.  Sign-up is here for the March 22 event:


>Jekyll is a static site generator that can be used to create a custom
website simply, efficiently, and for free of charge. In this session, you
will learn to set up a Jekyll-based website and blog, install a basic
theme, add customizations, and host it via GitHub Pages.


Maintainer Julien Jerphanion has written a few articles on performance in

>scikit-learn has been around for more than 10 years. Yet, scikit-learn has
some room to maneuver when it comes to performance. This series of blog
posts aim to explain the on-going work of the scikit-learn developers to
boost the library’s performance.



Maintainer Thomas Fan has presented on etiquette in open source (video +
slides + blog), "Three Components for Reviewing a Pull Request":


   The mechanics of code review on GitHub.

   The social aspects of code review and how to effectively give feedback.

   The technical aspects of reviewing a pull request.

Blog:  https://blog.scikit-learn.org/community/pull-request/

Video:  https://youtu.be/dyxS9KKCNzA


There is a handy calendar available on the blog website with meetings
(Community Office Hours, Triage Team Meeting, Monthly Developer Meetings).



Connect with scikit-learn on Social Media by following us on your favorite
platforms! Feel free to share with others in your community including
colleagues and students.

[a] Twitter: https://twitter.com/scikit_learn

[b] Twitter (commits): https://twitter.com/sklearn_commits

[c] LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/scikit-learn/

[d] YouTube:

[e] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scikitlearnofficial/

[f] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scikitlearnofficial/   (photos
worth seeing here!)

[g] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@scikit.learn



The second edition of the scikit-learn MOOC, Machine Learning in Python
with scikit-learn, is open (registration
This *free* online course runs from February 15 to May 17, 2022.  It
is beginner-friendly,
and a strong technical background is not required. Learners should have
some familiarity with numpy, pandas, matplotlib. A certificate will be
issued upon completion. There is still time to join this course.


NumFOCUS Open Source Research Project

scikit-learn is working with NumFOCUS <http://numfocus.org> on a research
funded by the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation <https://www.moore.org/> to
understand the barriers to participation that contributors, particularly
those from historically underrepresented groups, face in the open-source
software community. The research team would like to talk to new
contributors, project developers and maintainers, and those who have
contributed in the past about their experiences joining and contributing to

Interested in sharing your experiences?

Please complete this brief “Participant Interest
<https://numfocus.typeform.com/to/WBWVJSqe>” form which contains additional
information on the research goals, privacy, and confidentiality
considerations. Your participation will be valuable to the growth and
sustainability of diverse and inclusive open-source software communities.
Accepted participants will participate in a 30-minute interview with a
research team member.


Reshama & Lauren

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