[scikit-learn] VOTE: SLEP006 - Metadata Routing

Adrin adrin.jalali at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 09:29:31 EST 2022

Hi there,

We're calling a vote
<https://github.com/scikit-learn/enhancement_proposals/pull/65> on SLEP006
- Metadata Routing, which is available here
and detailed past discussions can be found under these PRs
and these issues

The current proposed implementation is drafted under this pull request
<https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/22083> where you can
find a rendered version of the user guide here
and a rendered version of the developer API (only applicable to third party
developers and people who write custom estimators) here
These are found under `metadata_routing.rst` and `plot_metadata_routing.py`
under the aforementioned PR
<https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/22083> respectively.
Note that this PR does NOT touch scorers, splitters, or any of the
estimators or meta-estimators in scikit-learn. It implements the machinery
in `BaseEstimator` for *consumers* only. The PR is also not targeted to
`main`, and instead it's to be merged into the `sample-props` branch on the
main repo, with follow-up PRs to complete the implementation before merging
into `main`.

Please leave your votes here in the PR
<https://github.com/scikit-learn/enhancement_proposals/pull/65>, and
comment on the PR, here on the mailing list, or open new PRs/issues in the
enhancement proposals repo or the main repo for specifics if you think
further discussion is required.

Note that this vote is not to merge the implementation PR, and is rather to
accept the SLEP, and the SLEP does NOT discuss implementation details and
the API for us and third party developers; but we're more than happy to
discuss the implementation and the API during this voting round.

We also plan to send out a survey asking third party developers for their
opinion of our proposed developer API, parallel to this call for vote.

This vote will close on February 21, 2022, and per our governance model it
will pass if 2/3 of the cast vote from core developers are in favor, with
no quorum/minimum participation requirements.

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