[scikit-learn] scikit-learn office hours on Friday Oct. 8 2021

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Wed Oct 6 10:42:14 EDT 2021

Hi all,

Some of us will be online on the scikit-learn discord this Friday at
15:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC.

First time and occasional contributors are welcome to join us to
discord using this invitation link:


The focus of these office hour sessions is to answer questions about
contributing to scikit-learn. We can also split into break out
audio/text channels and do pair programming or live reviewing of
forgotten pull requests with screen sharing.

We can also try to assist you into crafting minimal reproduction cases
for bug reports to get a higher likelihood of resolution (e.g.

If this experiment is successful, we will probably hold this kind of
office hours on a regular basis.

See you soon on discord!


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