[scikit-learn] LassoCV.coef not implemented (I think)

Robert Slater rdslater at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 15:45:58 EST 2021

Ok its on me--I was reading the return objects for path method.

My apologies.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 2:38 PM Guillaume Lemaître <g.lemaitre58 at gmail.com>

> On Sun, 31 Jan 2021 at 21:24, Robert Slater <rdslater at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Appreciate the clarification.  I definitely think the docs need some
>> polish as coef_ only returns a single fitting of coefficients and not the
>> coefficients along the path as stated in the api guide.
> I am confused here. LassoCV states:
> *coef : *ndarray of shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features)
> Parameter vector (w in the cost function formula).
> So it seems exactly what it is returning. It does not return the
> coefficients along the path.
> Which documentation are you referring to when stating the API guide (if
> you could provide a link, it would be really helpful)?
>> I am seeing
>> alpha_
>> alphas_
>> coef_
>> dual_gap_
>> as fitted variables (plus a few more) which is slightly different than
>> the guide/api docs (all the names are plural in the api guide)
>> I don't know if there is way to contribute an edit to the docs, I'd be
>> more than happy to do it (Sorry I'm very OCD about such things, and I know
>> this is a minor details)., I'd be happy to suggest the edit through proper
>> channels.
> You can always open a PR in the GitHub scikit-learn repository because the
> documentation is actually the docstring from the classes and functions.
> The user guide documentation is located in the /doc folder and the
> contributing guide will be helpful to start with:
> https://scikit-learn.org/stable/developers/contributing.html
>> On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 2:02 PM Guillaume Lemaître <
>> g.lemaitre58 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> > I do have a .coef_ variable which I believe is the coefficient for the
>>> best fit only.
>>> `coef` never existed. Fitted attributes always end with underscore.
>>> We do not store coefficients for all fitted `alphas_`.
>>> We provide some information regarding the MSE path for all tried alphas:
>>> https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/linear_model/plot_lasso_model_selection.html
>>> > the  alphas and alphas_ variables have a similar issue in that alphas
>>> returns nothing while alphas_ returns the list of alphas used.
>>> You probably created a model such as `model = LasssoCV()`. By default,
>>> the parameter `alpha=None` thus accessing it will return None. After
>>> fitting,
>>> `alphas_` will be automatically created as specified in the
>>> documentation. It will correspond to the values tried by cross-validation.
>>> If instead, you are passing an array to `alphas` then `alphas_` will be
>>> the same as `alphas_` after calling `fit`.
>>> Cheers,
>>> On Sun, 31 Jan 2021 at 20:45, Robert Slater <rdslater at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I was writing an example for my students when I came across what I
>>>> think is an issue.  In version 24.1 using the LassoCV, the <object>.coef
>>>> variable should have a list of my coeficeients (at least according to my
>>>> understanding of the documents).  However, the variable is not populated
>>>> nad throws an error
>>>> 'LassoCV' object has no attribute 'coef'
>>>> I do have a .coef_ variable which I believe is the coefficient for the
>>>> best fit only.
>>>> the  alphas and alphas_ variables have a similar issue in that alphas
>>>> returns nothing while alphas_ returns the list of alphas used.
>>>> I'm not sure if this is an documentation oversight or a real issue but
>>>> wanted to get clarification.
>>>> I can get what I need from o ther methods, but wanted to see if this
>>>> needed to be addressed.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Robert Slater
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>>> Guillaume Lemaitre
>>> Scikit-learn @ Inria Foundation
>>> https://glemaitre.github.io/
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> Guillaume Lemaitre
> Scikit-learn @ Inria Foundation
> https://glemaitre.github.io/
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